Complaints and Feedback
Complaints and Feedback
Tasracing values your right to make a complaint and encourage all forms of feedback. We are committed to seeking and receiving feedback and complaints about our services, products and complaint handling processes.
Tasmanian Racing Integrity Commissioner
The Commissioner oversees all persons, processes, and systems in the Tasmanian racing industry, and people are encouraged to report integrity issues to the Commissioner in the first instance. To find out more, or to make a report to the Commissioner, visit:
We empower our employees to resolve complaints at first point of contact to encourage early resolution. Complaints can be lodged in variety of ways, including in person, over the phone and in writing via email and letter.
However, If the complaint cannot be resolved by our front-line employees due to the severity of the matter or it relates to health and safety concerns, we request that you submit a completed Complaint/Feedback Form to our Complaints Manager. This will allow us to assess the complaint and give it appropriate priority.
You can submit a complaint by filling out the Complaint/Feedback form and sending it to Tasracing by email or printing it out and posting it.
Mailing address
Complaints Manager
6 Goodwood Rd
Glenorchy TAS 7010
How we process your complaint
Complaints received by Tasracing are dealt in an equitable, objective and unbiased manner in accordance to Tasracing’s Complaints Management and Procedures Policy.
When you register the Complaint/Feedback form, you will receive a notification within 3 business days. If you have not heard from us, please let us know.
We will aim to resolve your complaint within 10 business days. If we are not able to resolve the complaint within this timeframe, we will explain the reason for the delay and advise you of a new timeframe and keep you informed of the progress.
On conclusion of the investigation, we will contact you to advise you of our decision regarding your complaint and the reasons for that decision. If we are unable to resolve your complaint to your satisfaction and you wish to pursue the matter, then you have the right to contact the Tasmanian Ombudsman. Before contacting the Ombudsman, Tasracing should be given the opportunity to resolve the complaint.
Anonymous Report
Tasracing accepts anonymous complaints and will carry out an investigation of the issues raised where there is enough information provided. You may choose to remain anonymous, however unless a valid email address is provided we are unable to respond to anonymous reports.
If you had a positive experience with Tasracing or have suggestions you wish to share, please let us know by completing the Complaint/Feedback form and sending it to Tasracing by email or printing it out and posting it.
Mailing address
Complaints Manager
6 Goodwood Rd
Glenorchy TAS 7010
All complaints and feedback are treated confidentially, and we use them to help us to continue to improve our services.