Tasracing engages in social media to promote the Tasmanian racing industry and communicate with our stakeholders, industry participants, and the general public.

Tasracing asks that the conversation on our social media channels be considerate of that aim and we reserve the right to exercise editorial direction should it deviate from that aim. Following are the guiding points for our social media channels:

  1. All material on our channels must be family friendly and respectful of a diversity of opinions.
  2. Conversation should be on topic and if it is a comment on a post or photo it should be relevant to that post or photo.
  3. The social media channels are used by the general public and as a result conversation should be of general interest. Posts and comments about specific topics within the industry should only be made if they are in reply to a post on the subject by Tasracing. Should you wish to provide feedback on a specific topic we encourage you contact us via marketing@tasracing.com.au
  4. Tasracing will occasionally share content, posts, tweets or photos made by other organisations and individuals. This does not imply endorsement of any kind.
  5. Tasracing reserves the right to share content from our partners, sponsors or advertisers.
  6. Tasracing reserves the right to block access to our social media channels should someone not adhere to these guidelines.
  7. Tasracing reserves the right to protect our commercial interests.

Tasracing will hide or delete any posts should they be considered:

  • Foul, defamatory, discriminatory or threatening;
  • Disrespectful, abusive, obscene or hateful;
  • Damaging to the reputation or health of people employed by the Tasmanian racing industry, including racing participants and Tasracing staff
  • Legally contentious in any way;
  • Contain any links or images of an offensive nature;
  • Posts that are irrelevant;
  • Soliciting or advertising commercial or personal interests outside Tasracing;
  • Counter to the interests of Tasracing in its vision to build a united, sustainable and growing Tasmanian racing industry that is a respected source of entertainment.


While every attempt has been made to communicate our policy and be transparent in how we manage our social media channels we reserve the right to modify and act outside of these points if required. This version is current as at March 2023.

Below is a list of the official Tasracing social media channels. Should you discover any other channels which you believe are representing themselves as Tasracing could you please report them to marketing@tasracing.com.au

Tasracing Corporate

Tasracing Form

GAP Tasmania

Off The Track Tasmania

Clover Hill Cup Marquee



Tasracing values your right to make a complaint and encourage all forms of feedback, however social media is not the forum for this. Complaints can be lodged in variety of ways, including in person, over the phone and in writing via email and letter.

To submit a complaint or feedback, contact us here.