Work Health and Safety
Tasracing assigns the highest priority to its responsibilities in relation to the safety of all racing participants.
Tasracing is committed to maintaining the highest possible standards in relation to the safety of the racing venues and equipment provided to racing participants.
All racing participants are kindly asked to always remember their personal responsibilities in relation to their own safety, those in their care, and to the general public who attend racing events. Racing participants must take reasonable care for their own health and safety, take reasonable care that their acts or omissions do not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons, and comply with any reasonable instruction of Tasracing as the Person Conducting the Business or Undertaking (PCBU).
Safety notice to racing participants and the public
All persons should be aware that entry to Tasracing venues is at the individual’s own risk and is governed by Tasracing’s Conditions of Entry, as well as the Tasmanian Thoroughbred Track Rules (at applicable venues). Tasracing accepts no responsibility for injury or loss to any person entering Tasracing venues. Any unlicensed person entering a Restricted Area such as the Day Stalls or Barriers, do so at their own risk. There are signs at all Tasmanian racing venues clearly identifying these Restricted Areas.
Strictly no access for children within restricted areas
Tasracing advises all racing participants and members of the public that under no circumstances are children allowed access to Restricted Areas at Tasracing venues. Clear signage at all racing venues identifies the location of Restricted Areas, and states that no children are permitted access. Under the Work Health and Safety Act 2012 (Tas), Tasracing as the PCBU has a duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the health and safety of persons is not put at risk from work carried out as part of the conduct of the business or undertaking at its venues. Restricting access for children within Restricted Areas assists with protecting their safety and the safety of those using these areas. Clause 14 of Tasracing’s Conditions of Entry also clearly states that no children are allowed in the mounting yards, horse stalls, stables and kennels at Tasracing venues under any circumstances.
Contact us regarding health and safety concerns
If you have any health and safety concerns that you would like to raise with Tasracing, please complete the Complaint/Feedback form and send it to Tasracing via email at or to our mailing address:
Tasracing Pty Ltd
PO Box 730
Glenorchy TAS 7010
Work health and safety Resources for Tasmania’s racing industries
Workers compensation guidance for employers in Tasmania’s racing industries