Nominating Times

Unless otherwise notified nominations close the week prior to when the meeting is scheduled as listed below:

​Club Name​ ​Day & Time
​Launceston (LGRC) ​Tuesday - 10.00 AM
​Devonport (NWGRC) at Launceston or Hobart ​Wednesday - 10.00 AM
​Hobart (HGRC) ​Friday - 10.00 AM

Qualifying Trials close at 10.00 am on the same day as the race meeting where the trials are scheduled.

How to nominate for a Tasmanian race meeting

Telephone - (03) 6777 1900 between 9.00 and 10.00 am during office hours or by leaving all required information on the after hours nomination line.

Fax nominations - (03) 6777 5148 

 Fax Nomination Form (PDF 144Kb)

Fax nominations will no longer be available from 1 May 2025

Online nominations via OzChase

Online Nominations User Guide   (855Kb)

NB:  Nominations by any other method will not be accepted.

First Starter Nomination Forms

A first start nomination form must be lodged under the following circumstances:

  • A greyhound's first start
  • A greyhound's first start in Tasmania
  • If a greyhound's last race start was not in Tasmania

If the greyhound is a first starter in Tasmania, a First Starter Nomination Form must be received by the TIU by 10.00 am on the day that nominations close.

If the greyhound's last start was not in Tasmania, a First Starter Nomination Form must be received by the TIU prior to 10.00 am on the last working day prior to the close of nominations.

  First Starter Nomination Form   (387Kb)

Interstate Nominations

Trainers nominating greyhounds from interstate that are having their first start in Tasmania are advised that a nomination will be refused if the nomination is not received by the TIU prior to 10.00 am on the last working day prior to the close of nominations.

Interstate Trainers should make themselves aware of the Tasmania biosecurity requirements for bringing greyhounds into the State.  Information available on the Biosecurity Tasmania website.

Grading Schedule

Participants should ensure they review the current Grading Schedule.

Grading Enquiries

While ORI prefer grading enquiries be submitted in writing detailing the apparent problem, phone enquires are also available.  Participants should be aware that at times an answering machine may be engaged but this is checked regularly and you will receive a response as quickly as possible.

Telephone and email contact details are listed below. 

Box Draw Audit​

​​​This is an audit of Box Draw data for Tasmania compiled by the University of Western Australia.

TAS Box Draw Data Audit 09-12-2024 (PDF 339Kb)​