Introducing the Tasracing Integrity Unit

The Tasmanian Government’s legislative changes for racing reform will come into effect on 1 February 2025.

Tasracing will become operationally responsible for all three codes of racing, including pre-race day and race day management, stewards, and animal welfare.

We welcome this, and the reforms more broadly, that will provide the necessary oversight of racing welfare and integrity matters.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

So what's changed?

The appointment of a first time Racing Integrity Commissioner that will sit independent to Tasracing. The Office of Racing Integrity will be dissolved and a Tasracing Integrity Unit (TIU) will be established. As a result the Director of Racing role is abolished with powers under that role to be split across TASRIC and the new Chief Racing Integrity Officer (Chief RIO). A Racing Integrity Committee reporting to the Minister will also be established.

When will the Industry see an improvement?

The new Chief RIO will commence implementing improved integrity standards from day one. This will include resourcing, training and support for existing Stewards. Work has already commenced on the production of Penalty guidelines and a Prosecution framework. Areas of immediate improvement will be seen in the publishing time of Stewards Reports.

If I'm unhappy with a Stewards decision what do I do?

There will be procedures put in place for complaints and grievances. Either through the Chief RIO or TASRIC.

Are there any changes to the Appeals process?

The TRAB will remain independent with no changes to their process.

If I have an issue with fields who do I talk to?

These should be raised directly with the TIU operational staff.

What are the changes to Thoroughbred Fields?

The TIU will now be responsible for the completion of Thoroughbred fields. These will still be completed in conjuction with the Thoroughbred team at Tasracing. Racing Victoria will remain the handicappers with any queries around fields to be raised with the TIU operational staff.

Who makes the decisions around Licensing applications?

Licensing applications will be lodged through the TIU Operational staff. The Chief RIO will approve. The Chief RIO may request the Racing Integrity Committee to review and provide a recommendation in respect to licensing applications.

If I have a question around licensing who do I talk to?

These should be raised directly with the TIU operational staff.

Will the offices remain in the North?

The commitment is, for the initial 12 month period, that locations will not change. Tasracing are open to any staff wishing to relocate to the South.

How will the TIU be kept separate from the commercial aspects of Tasracing?

Appropriate information barriers, including limitation of access to integrity systems and files, will be in place.

Can I still fax through my greyhound nominations?

This process will be available until 30 April 2025. After this date participants will need to find an alternative. If you're unsure please talk to the Operations staff at the TIU to discuss options. The Chief RIO will review the current process for nominations for the Harness and Greyhound codes.

What will the TIU opening hours be?

The TIU hours will remain in line with the current operation hours of ORI. These will be reviewed by the Chief RIO.

Will Stewards be in charge of race meetings 2 hours prior to the first race?

There are no changes to the Stewards race day process.

Who do I call if I'm unsure whether to contact Tasracing or the TIU?

Tasracing reception staff or Code Leads will be able to assist with these enquiries.

Clearing of swabs process?

This process will remain unchanged. The Chief RIO will review the current process.

Who do I go to if I have a complaint about a Bookmaker?

Bookmaker registrations will sit with the TIU.