Tasracing is excited to announce a partnership with Clover Hill Wines

Tasracing is excited to announce a partnership with Clover Hill Wines, naming it the official partner for the 2025 thoroughbred cup marquees at the Ladbrokes Devonport, Hobart and Launceston Cups.

This collaboration reflects a shared commitment to delivering premium on-course experiences that elevate Tasmanian racing and the Ladbrokes Tasmanian Summer Racing Festival.

“Clover Hill is excited to be part of Tasracing’s evolution of the thoroughbred cup marquee experience,” Clover Hill Wines General Manager Ian White said.
“The opportunity provided to us by way of naming sponsorship for the three cup marquees delivers Clover Hill a fabulous platform to reach a broader Tasmanian and national market.

“We look forward to continuing to develop our relationship with Tasracing and the premium on-course experience that the thoroughbred cup marquees provide.”
Tasracing CEO Andrew Jenkins highlighted the strategic alignment of this partnership, noting that Tasracing, through the Summer Racing Festival, very deliberately made use of local contractors, companies and brands.
“We are privileged to partner with Clover Hill Wines, a local brand synonymous with quality and elegance,” he said.

“This collaboration allows us to offer an on-course experience to attracting new audiences to racing while celebrating the best of Tasmania.
“Guests will enjoy the chance to sample and savour premium local products in a setting that supports local businesses and brands.
Mr Jenkins said strategic partnerships like the one with Clover Hill Wines were instrumental in ensuring Tasmania’s racing industry remained vibrant and connected to the local community.

“By collaborating with respected local brands, Tasracing not only delivers premium race-day experiences but also stimulates local economic activity and introduces new audiences to the region’s high-quality products and services,” he said.
The Tasmanian racing industry contributes annual total direct spending of nearly $190 million, with a total economic impact of $208 million when including flow-on effects.

Total expenditure generated by racing customers alone is more than $12 million (excluding wagering on the races). They include attendees, sponsors, members, broadcast providers, community groups and participants.

The 2025 Ladbrokes Tasmanian Summer Racing Festival promises to deliver an unparalleled experience for guests, with the Clover Hill Cup Marquees at its heart. This exciting collaboration is a testament to Tasracing’s commitment to showcasing Tasmania’s finest, both on and off the track.

For more information about the Clover Hill Cup Marquees and the Summer Racing Festival, visit goracingtasmania.com.au